Friday, November 9, 2012

Classroom Post 16

Friday, November 9, 2012

In class yesterday, we completed copying down our partners information about important people in the fight for and against slavery. After that was completed, we took a lot of notes and talked about slave conditions and how they escaped from slavery, which brought us to the Underground Railroad. I remember that I was always super confused about what the Underground Railroad was, considering it's name is very misleading. After years of actually learning in elementary school and the ten repetitive readings we did on it yesterday, I can safely say I will never not know what it exactly is again. (My grammar is fantastic, I know.) We took ten paragraphs about the Underground Railroad, each one taken from a different text book, and then answered questions about the similarities and differences in each. After that, we had to write our own definitions. I didn't realize how much information varied between textbooks. I knew it did, but some textbooks had definitions that from a completely different aspect on the entire situation.
In class today, we went to the computer lab and answered question using an interactive map showing the North and South statistics from 1820-1821. It involved an obscene amount of math, and I didn;t see how the first sheet was super important to have. The second sheet, which regarded the country's political aspect and the results of Missouri Compromise, seemed much more relevant. Although I suppose the first sheet provided good information for inference.

30-Day Challenge:

Day 4, Friday- "I spy with my little eye something beginning with C."
"Let me guess... Is it... corpse?"
"It was cloud, actually."
"Oh darn, close but no ciggar."
"There aren't even any corpses in here."
"Give it time."

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