Thursday, November 8, 2012

Classroom Post 15

Thursday, November 8, 2012

On Tuesday in class, continued to fill out our sheets on those who opposed and supported slavery. After completing those, we started to examine the Constitution and whether or not it supported slavery. So far, I've found that although the Constitution does not come outright saying either, it has certain loopholes that allow for slavery, and the possession of human beings as property. From these first few looks at it, I think that it isn't pro-slavery per say, but tolerant of it. If you tried hard enough, you could bend the argument in the favor of the other side, but just seeing how obvious the loopholes allowing for slavery are, it's hard to believe that the founding fathers, or a majority of them, didn't believe in slavery.
On Wednesday, we took some initial notes on slavery regarding the states that had slavery, the people for or against slavery, and the treatment of slaves in general. We learned about the cotton gin, designed to say the slaves from labor and eliminate the need for slaves, but all it served to do was free up slaves to work in the field. We looked at how the industrial revolution treated them as well. The pieces for a slave went up during that time, as did the work for those living on cotton farm in the south, as cotton was in high demand. After that, we read through a sheet either for or against slavery, and then answered questions on the back. we shared our answers with a partner so that we both ogt the information, but some of us didn't finish.

30-Day Challenge:

Wednesday, Day 2: "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this." -Legend of Zelda

Thursday, Day 3: "You can take control of my mind and body, but there is one thing a Saiyan always  keeps... his PRIDE!" -Vegeta, Dragon Ball Z

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