Thursday, September 6, 2012

Three Artifacts blog

G Period

If, in the future, someone were to dig up three artifacts that helped to describe my life, they would be:

My color guard practice flag. I practice my flag work with it often in order to learn new tosses, memorize work, and maintain muscle over the summer. Both color guard and winter guard are huge parts of my life, as we practice three times a week, participate in competitions, and in the fall, preform at football games as part of the marching band. It's so much fun to do, and everyone on the team becomes close friends. Last winter, my first season, we won the NESBA championship! Since then, my flag and I are inseparable.

My quote book, which was a customized gift from a friend. I always have it near by, and it's continuously filling up with quotes from TV shows, books, video games, friends, and the occasional lunch-room conversation. I keep a quote book just so that I can remember the best moments of a show, day, or book. When I get older, I like to think that I'll be able to look back through the depths of my quote book and reminisce about old friends and the things I used to (and perhaps still do) enjoy.

My ever-expanding library, which, not counting those put away in the attic, currently occupies three and a half shelves in my room. I have classics, science fiction, fairytale, supernatural, historical fiction, and more. Some of them are childhood favorites which I someday hope to pass on to future generations, who will most likely be so buried in technology they will loose track of good literature, some are things that I will reread again and again, and some are books that I know back to front and love completely. As a read more books, they too will be added to my collection. It, like my quote book, is something that will never cease in expansion.

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