Thursday, May 23, 2013

Haiti Article

The Haitian Injustice!
Haitians Speak Out Against the American Mistreatment!
Our government's occupation of Haiti has not been as peaceful and just as we have been led to believe. New information has been brought to light that exposes the unjust and evil deeds that have been committed by our troops. They have manipulated, wrongly imprisoned, and threatened the innocent people of Haiti for the duration of their occuaption,  and have been omitting these actions from the reports they give to our public.
The actions of the troops have been revaled through the letters of one Charlemagne Peralte, a Haitian resistance leader. His letters are used to inspire the come folks of the haitian society to resist the wishes of the American troops. Now, this may seem like it is uncalled for, but upon reading that they troops burn down houses and prevent them from being rebuilt, you might change your mind. But Peralte did not start with inspiring revolution; no, he started out by sending letters to a minister. He had composed an argument saying that the American Government claims to respect the rights of small independent nations like Haiti, and yet they have been subject to crimes, insults, illings, and theft at the hands of our government. He says that although the Haitians are ready to accept the terms of a just occupation from our government, these injustices have forced the hand of the Haitians, and they feel that they must take action against the occupation
People, innocent people, have been abused by the men of our armies. A Mr. Dilon Victor was hung from his wrists in prison for not allowing a Leutient to take his tired horse. A woman by the name of Exile Onexile was put in prison because she asked a Captain to return the goat he stole from her. In addition, he took 130 gourds as compensation for her goat, burned her house, took her money, and killed her husband. In light of all this, the Haitians reistance does not seem so bad now, does it? Who do you support? If you have any heart at all, your heart and prayers should go to those who suffer the injust treatment at the hands of our men.

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