Tuesday, October 16, 2012
In class on Monday we presented our "guests" to the class. I had Patrick Henry, who I had honestly never heard of before. It was really cool to learn about him though. I had no idea that he would have played such a large role in the forming of the country; a lot of his speeches were really famous. I also had a ton of fun drawing him. Listening to other people give there presentations was pretty cool too, but I didn't absorb much of the information. But I suppose that doesn't matter, as I can also look up the Voice Threads.
Today in class, we split up into groups depending on who had devices and summarized parts of the Declaration of Independence. It was a really, really, really thick read. The portion that my group summarized was a list of reasons why the colonies should become Independent from England. Once we read it through once or twice, it was much easier to understand. After lunch, we made the summaries into tweets, which is always fun. Especially when it comes to making usernames, as that is my forte. I hope that next class we'll be sharing the summaries, because right now I only know the summary to one sixth of the Declaration.
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